Tagore is a fabless semiconductor company using GaN & CMOS processes. Tagore is headquartered in Arlington Heights Illinois USA and was founded in January 2011 by an experienced group of RF and power management design engineers. Tagore benefits from an executive management team with a valuable breadth of experience in the semiconductor industry. Tagore is a private company owned by the founders and by venture capital investors, and the employees.
RF Switch
High Power RF switches typically use PIN diode circuits. Switches using PIN diodes have several disadvantages. Pin diode switches require a large bias voltage to handle high RF power. These circuits also require a large bias current to reduce the ON resistance of the PIN diode. Generation of a large voltage from lower battery voltage requires a boost circuit with many active and passive components. GaN switches are the new high performance alternative.
Antenna tuning and filter tuning devices require very low resistances and high voltage handling capable RF switches. Low ON resistance is necessary to increase Q and minimize loss of tuning circuit. High Q tuning circuits can experience very large voltages even at low transmit power. Our solution is ideal for Antenna Tuning, and Filter Tuning.
Tagore provides GaN IC’s and GaN FET’s for power management applications.
GaN IC’s are 650V Half Bridge with integrated drivers in a compact PQFN package for power converters
B. GaN FET’s are 650V enhancement mode FET’s in a compact PQFN package with integrated driver.
Tagore Technology是一家使用Si基GaN 和CMOS工艺的无晶圆芯片设计公司。公司于2011年1月由一群经验丰富的射频和电源管理设计工程师成立,总部位于美国伊利诺伊州阿灵顿高地。Tagore是一家由创始人,风险投资人和员工共同拥有的私人公司。目前Tagore正由一支在半导体行业非常具有经验的管理团队运营着。
1. 大功率GaN射频开关系列和传统PIN Diode 开关相比无需额外的驱动电路,从而缩小了芯片尺寸,减少了应用电路的复杂性,非常适用于无线通信系统;具有低导通电阻器件特性增加了电路Q值,非常适用于大功率条件下天线调谐和滤波器调谐。
2. 20W以内宽带内匹配塑封Si基GaN功率管具有比LDMOS更高的效率,比SiC基GaN更好的初始线性和DPD校准线性。结合Tagore GaN RF Switch 技术非常适用于实现无线通信系统中单功放多模解决方案。
3. PQFN封装的GaN IC和GaN FET电源管理芯片非常是和在小尺寸高效率电源控制应用中使用。